Uses of Empathy
The Story So Far
In using ultimate values-R"G1 you necessarily use humanity's 7 vehicles of goodness. However …
… goodness is limited by and releases inner strength.
In finding strength-R"G2, you conscientiously use humanity's 6 mantras of self-control. However …
… self-control is both limited by and releases pain and suffering.
In overcoming pain-R"G3, you spontaneously use humanity's 5 techniques of healing. However …
… healing is limited by and releases character.
In building character-R"G4, you thoughtfully use humanity's 4 theatres of authenticity. However …
… authenticity is limited by and releases equanimity.
Now read on:
Be Compassionate
All great religions have valued, examined and discussed compassion and it is generally regarded as a virtue. However, note that the term is being used here in a specific way: as a formal name to capture a psychosocial entity that has the internal structure as shown below.
Internal Structure
g5: Being compassionate requires a creative unification-R"G17 with the other person. Empathy that is not creative will remain superficial and immersion in the feelings and perspectives of the other party will not be allowed. As a result, it will be difficult or impossible to deliver the benefits of compassion. The spiritual associations of compassion arise from unification and immersion. For those who find this too esoteric,
the Bible compares compassion to the feelings of a parent for a child. That works because this relation is based on a union.
g4: Being compassionate requires a thoughtful submission-R"G16 to the other person and their situation. Again, it is easy to be superficial, superior, dismissive or controlling in regard to another's difficulty, especially if profoundly antisocial or if you are the target of mistreatment. Allowing the other's reality to be given pre-eminence over your own fits the etymology:
compassion—to suffer with, from L. com = with, pati = suffer.
g3: Being compassionate requires spontaneous exertion-R"G15 relevant to the situation and to those caught up in it. Whether the effort is simple or specialized, it must be within your capabilities and resources e.g. speaking up, advising, serving, healing, writing—otherwise it cannot be spontaneous. Work is intrinsically creative, so there may well be a second injection of creativity to ensure there is passion in compassion.
g2: Being compassionate requires conscientious helpfulness-R"G14 for those involved. Scrupulous attention to meet the other's needs appropriately must shape all involvement.
g1: Being compassionate rests on a necessary knowing-R"G13 of the situation, including relevant circumstances, history, possibilities and so on. Observation and accurate perception are essential. Without proper knowing, the empathic experience is superficial or abstract, and leads only to sympathy. Knowing supports exertions and helpfulness.
Effect of Absence of a Level
- g5: Without unification, compassion will be biassed or superficial.
- g4: Without submission, compassion is likely to impose or dominate.
- g3: Without exertion, compassion is little more than empty words.
- g2: Without helpfulness, compassion is worthless or dishonest.
- g1: Without knowing, compassion becomes abstract and superior.
Be Wise
Wisdom is the primary virtue and original, if currently neglected, rationale for philosophy (etym. Gk. philo = love + sophia= wisdom), although it is also valued in religions. However, note that the term is being used here in a specific way: as a formal name to capture a psychosocial entity that has the internal structure as shown below.
Internal Structure
g5: Being wise requires using empathy to enable a creative submission-R"G16 to the relevant situation in its entirety, including the people involved. This submission becomes the point of reference and the starting point for all other features.
g4: Being wise requires thoughtful exertion-R"G15 in relation to the perceived issues. In accord with the nature of empathy, this effort will involve exploring and playing with thoughts and feelings. In accord with thoughtfulness, the effort will demand restraints on impulsiveness, emotional reactions and dogmatism. In accord with the nature of work, the effort will be creative.
g3: Being wise requires spontaneous helpfulness-R"G14 in the situation. Unless this natural wish to help is present, wisdom is useless and may even be a harmful display of superiority. The features of any helping are determined at other levels: often it may mean saying nothing or advising doing nothing.
g2: Being wise requires conscientious knowing-R"G13 about the relevant details of the situation, the person or people and the social context. That may mean investigating or acquiring this information in a sensitive way, guided always by empathy.
g1: Being wise rests on a necessary aspiration-R"G12 to discover and communicate what is good and right for those concerned. This often means desiring to facilitate some process or situation in the best way possible.
Effect of Absence of a Level
- g5: Without submission, wisdom will be subtle dominance or exploitation.
- g4: Without exertion, wisdom is cleverness or dogmatic imposition.
- g3: Without helpfulness, wisdom is arid or disconnected reasoning.
- g2: Without knowing, wisdom is a sham.
- g1: Without aspirations, wisdom loses its roots in virtues and values.
Be Cooperative
Cooperativeness, the inner state that supports cooperation with others, is an essential aspect of overall positivity in regard to group endeavours. However, note that the term is being used here in a specific way: as a formal name to capture a psychosocial entity that has the internal structure as shown below.
Internal Structure
g5: Being cooperative requires creative exertion-R"G15 that supports and integrates with activities of others who are involved. It is essential to use empathy to appreciate what the situation is, where others stand, what could and should be done, and then how to fit in.
g4: Being cooperative requires thoughtful helpfulness-R"G14 related to the issues or problems being faced in the endeavour. Empathy allows you to identify and adapt so that whatever you offer can be incorporated constructively.
g3: Being cooperative requires spontaneous knowing-R"G13 in regard to the endeavour. In other words, if you are not fully at home in the situation, then you cannot be properly cooperative.
g2: Being cooperative requires conscientious aspirations-R"G12 to join with others and generate the best possible social process.
g1: Being cooperative requires necessary enjoyment-R"G12 while doing things with others. Enjoying keeps you fully engaged in the situation and ensures your input is welcomed by others.
Effect of Absence of a Level
- g5: Without exertion, cooperation is disconnected and futile.
- g4: Without helpfulness, cooperation is interfering and unwanted.
- g3: Without knowing, cooperation is weak and tangential.
- g2: Without aspirations, cooperation leads to mediocre outcomes.
- g1: Without enjoyment, cooperation damages essential morale.
Equanimity allows you to be maximally open to experience. However, the quality of your empathy is affected by the breadth of your exposure to people, situations and cultures. More experience will help you progress and, best of all, gaining experience is based on sensing that life is good!
Originally posted: 24-May-2013